The Beloved

is Within

I guide men and women to embody and manifest Sacred Union via my Powerful Transmissions & Paradigm Shifting Courses & Events

I hold each Heart, Mind & Body

With the utmost Tenderness, Love, Reverence & Respect. It is my greatest honour & great joy to do this work in the world…

To start gifting back humanity something we have gone so long without…

Something that they tried so hard to take from us…

The gift of coming to know & experience & receive our own innocence.

For in my transmission of Love, of touch, of peace & of purity – without condition or expectation… there is innocence, & THAT – is my gift. A gift I have chosen to pursue, explore and embody…

And it is my gift to you. One that is almost impossible to be raised with in this day & age.

Innocence is not about an ignorance of the darkness or the things that go on in this, & other worlds…

True innocence is about knowing no matter what you have experienced, seen or known, that there is a place inside of you that is untouched by such things… a place inside of you that is truly whole, is truly at peace, truly perfect, truly home… Always & Forever.

Your Heart is innocent… it can only be innocent, when you are truly connected to, truly accessing that great & mighty Heart of yours…

When you can breathe into it and actually let yourself feel what’s in there – without fear, or judgement…

Then you will come to know who you really are My Darling.

When you can stay & breathe into your Heart & know that everything you could possibly feel in there is just your beautiful & Sacred Heart trying to communicate with you – to offer you the truth & to offer you a pathway to experience a whole & complete life.

For in the great mystery of the Heart – ALL the answers are also revealed – the answers of the ages – lie deep within…

Ancient, Sacred, Eternal & Infinite. The answer, my beautiful Darling – Is YOU.

It’s always been you… Because the Beloved has always been – WITHIN.


I literally never ask anyone for advice. Until I met Angel. She is the only other being incarnate that I trust has a spiritual integrity equal to or greater than my own. I have absolute faith that she works in the light of love. She tirelessly re-attunes herself to higher vibrations and sweeps nothing under the rug. She is fearless and inspires me to be.

Working with Angel is better than easy. It is blissful. Angel holds an incredibly strong energetic container and I always feel totally safe and nurtured by her. Even when I am at my most vulnerable in an emotionally raw and open condition or deep meditative state she has never let me go. She walks with me the whole way as I journey my own path. Her gentle wise words continue to permeate my reflective state and the soft loving touch of her small hands keep me earthed.

As a result of Angel’s steadfast guidance, I have realised a deeper more embodied sense of my own truth. She reminds me, when I forget, exactly who I AM. I am usually able to return home to my light centre quickly when unsettled now. Conversely, it takes a lot to blow me off balance. With Angel’s safe support I have explored my mother wounding and burned away deep pains. And I now find myself to be in my own arms; I hold myself, I love myself, I nurture myself, and beautifully I am my own mother.

I could not be more grateful for her loving gift of witnessing and guiding my divine path. Rebecca De Silva,
Kundalini Expert & Founder - Passionate Men

Queensland, Australia